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Exploring Cross-disciplinary Collaboration


Concepts on The Move


Wong Chi-Yung

Installation Artist | Artist-Curator 

Workshop · 36-48 Hours / 8-12 Sessions · Beginner + Intermediate


The aim of this workshop is to encourage our participants to think and to explore their potential of their own professional practice with arts and to deepen their understanding in creative collaborations in this hyper-connected world, further enhancing and exploring new possibility and growth in our professional practice.

Module 1


Game:  Let me Introduce You

Crash Topic & Game: What is Mindfulness?


Module 2

Field Trip Visit 01: Sharing / Presentation by Guest Cultural Worker


Module 3

Crash Topic: Self As Context Vs Self As Content, Growth & Fixed Mindsets

Game: Mindfulness Exercise 01 -Visual

Group Exercise: Brainstorm A Concept of A Cross-disciplinary Collaboration

Case Study: Exploring Arts-Sciences Collaboration


Module 4

Field Trip Visit 02: Sharing / Presentation by Guest Cultural Worker


Module 5

Crash Topic: What Are Thinking Styles? Meta-What?!

Game: Mindfulness Exercise 02 - Auditory

Case Study:  An Experiential Installation Inspired by Mindfulness & Its Scientific Research

Group Exercise: Develop A Concept of A Cross-disciplinary Collaboration


Module 6

Field Trip Visit 03: Sharing / Presentation by Guest Cultural Worker


Module 7

Crash Topic: Building A Feedback Loop & Understanding Creative Collaboration

Game: Mindfulness Exercise 03 - Smell & Taste

Group Exercise: A 5-Min Oral Presentation

Case Study: Arts & Mental Health Awareness Projects


Module 8

Field Trip Visit 04: Sharing / Presentation by Guest Cultural Worker


Module 9

Crash Topic: Building A Feedback Loop & Understanding Creative Collaboration

Game: Mindfulness Exercise 03 - Smell & Taste

Group Exercise: A 5-Min Oral Presentation

Case Study: Arts & Mental Health Awareness Projects


Module 10

Field Trip Visit 05: Sharing / Presentation by Guest Cultural Worker


Module 11

Crash Topic: What Is Research? Skills & Tools for Artistic Initiative

Game: Mindfulness Exercise 04 - Tactile


Module 12

Group Exercise: Final Presentations (10 mins/ Group)

Final Discussion and Roundup

Note : The specific content and activities will depend on the goals and focus of the workshop, as well as the experience and needs of the participants. Please feel free to contact at for further arrangement.

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